10:31 PM (7/15/23): 
"A photo of my roommate, sleeping... at 9:50 PM... today... His buttocks, reminded me of that... of Chihiro's parents... in the prior post..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life... in Christ Jesus, our Lord..." - Romans 6:23

10:29 PM (7/15/23):
"...a continuation, of that scene..." - Michael Izuchukwu
10:28 PM (7/15/23):
"Interesting scene, from the film 'Spirited Away (2001)'... in which Chihiro Ogino's parents, are stuffing their faces with food... ...before being transformed, into pigs..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:54 PM (12/1/22):
I posted an artistic depiction, of 'Adam and Eve'... in the Garden of Eden, to this account... and such was removed, for violating 'Community guidelines'... even though their forms were blurred...
11:05 PM (12/1/22):
"I don't think 'those' TikTok moderators, know about art history..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:19 PM (12/1/22):
"I took AP Art History (with 'Ms. Jean Peters'), my 'junior' year... at Lafayette High School... although such was not a favorite course, of mine... during those years...." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:48 PM (12/1/22):
"A snapshot of the restored photo, to my TikTok account... although the audio for the selected instrumental of 'Calm - Relaxing Music,' was muted (as of this time, today)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
If you click on the video, and then click on the words 'Calm - Relaxing Music' via a laptop or destop computer, you are taken to this page... where such can be heard:
12:08 AM (12/2/22):
(cellular snapshot, as of 11:53 PM... yesterday)

3:00 PM (5/5/23):

Makayla Merie (@makaylaamerie) | TikTok
